Installing the GWDM Application

For this instruction, Mac OS was used.

Step 1: Install Tethys

Follow the Tethys installation steps (link here) and install the Tethys Platform on your computer. Before doing so, be sure to view the warning listed below.


As of April 1, 2021, the initial step creates an error when executing conda create -n tethys -c tethysplatform -c conda-forge tethys-platform. Understand to avoid negative consequences.

conda create -n tethys -c tethysplatform -c conda-forge tethys-platform

Instead, install a development build of the Tethys Platform by executing

conda create -n tethys -c tethysplatform/label/dev -c tethysplatform -c conda-forge tethys-platform

After the installation is complete, go to and make sure the following page is displayed.


Step 2: Clone/Copy the GWDM Appliclation


If the Tethys server is running from the previous step, make sure to quit the server with CONTROL-C before proceeding to the next step.

  1. Create a directory (folder) in the home directly and name it (e.g. “tethys_dev”). In this directory, the GWDM app will be cloned from the following link:

  2. On the right side of the repository, click on Code green box and then click on the button to copy the URL

  3. Bring up a terminal window and go to the directory just created by executing the following command.

    cd tethys_dev

    tethys_dev should be modified if the directory is named differently.

  4. The GDWM app will be cloned here. To clone the app, type the following:

    git clone URL

    Where URL is the URL that you copied to the clipboard. In other words, type git clone then paste the URL from the clipboard. When you are done, it should look like this:

    git clone
  5. To complete the installation, we need to install the app we just cloned. First, we need to be in the Tethys virtual environment. In the Command Line, type:

    conda activate tethys

    Next, make sure you are at the top level of the new directory you just created (e.g. tethys_dev). There should be a new directory/folder called gwdm and the folder should contain Go to the gwdm directly by executing:

    cd tethys_dev/gwdm

    Finally, this command is used to install the app on your portal:

    tethys install

    To make sure that the app is installed on your local Tethys Platform, launch the Tethys portal by typing on the Command Line:

    tethys manage start

    Then, go to and the app should be displayed.


    The initial admin login ID and password is: Username: admin Password: pass


Step 3: Set Up Docker Containers

  1. Create a new directory/folder in your home directory and name it Thredds. Make the Thredds directory public by typing in the Command Line:

    sudo chmod -R 777 Thredds
  2. Next, install Docker from . Docker will be installed as an app on Mac. In the Command Line, type:

    tethys docker init

    This will initiate downloading necessary elements and may take anywhere from a few minutes to hours depending on the internet connection. After the Docker initializes, the Command Line will ask for several settings. For most of the cases, simply accept the defaults by hitting Enter.


    1. For the password, put pass to keep it simple. If a different password is selected, that needs to be remembered as this password will be required in later steps.

    2. For the Thredds container, it will ask “Bind the THREDDS data directory to the host?” To which you will respond “Y” for yes. The next option will ask you to specify the location. Respond with the file path to the Thredds directory that you created earlier.



Portainer gives a detailed status and health check of the Docker containers. In the Command Line, type:

Go to localhost:9000 to set up the userID and the password. On the next page, select “Docker” and complete the setting.


After the installation, Portainer should show up on Docker. Follow the steps below and make sure all the containers are healthy and running (you may have to start the new Tethys containers with the “Start” button).


Step 4: Download PGAdmin 4 for Database Management

Download PGAdmin ( Download the macOS version (or whatever operating system you are using).

Open the application and add a new server


Name it as you desire (e.g. “postgis_thethys_docker”). Click the “Connection” tab and enter the following settings:

_images/pgAdmin_setting.png _images/pgAdmin_after_setting.png

Step 5: Tethys Settings

Now in the Command Line, run:

tethys syncstores gwdm


tethys manage start

Go to the Tethys homepage ( and click the app icon. You should land on the page titled “Change Tethys App.”

  1. Click the plus mark under PERSISTENT STORE DATABASE SETTINGS.


On the next page, set up the settings to:


  • Name: Arbitrary Name (e.g. Postgresql)

  • Engine: PostgreSQL

  • Port: 5435

  • Username: postgres


Now, save the settings.

  1. Add a Spatial Dataset Service (for GeoServer) and select it in the app settings


    _images/spatial.png _images/geoserver.png
  2. Add another Spatial Dataset Service (for thredds) and select it in the app settings


  1. Make a directory in your Thredds directory in thredds/public/testdata and call it “groundwater”. Add the file path to this new groundwater directory to the thredds file path in the app settings

    tethys syncstores gwdm

    Open up PGAdmin4 again to check that the database is initialized. Under Databases, “gwdm_gwdb” should now show up. Within gwdm_gwdb, if you select Schemas>public>Tables the different parameters should be visible (aquifer, measurement, well, etc.)


Step 6: Edit Thredds Files

  1. Go into the thredds directory and open the “Catalog.xml” file with an editor (Pycharm, Notepad++, etc.)

    • Uncomment the wms, wcs, and ncss service tags within the service section

    • In the “datasetScan” tag, change the name attribute from Test all files in a directory to All Datasets

    • In the “Filter” section towards the bottom of the file:

Remove one of the “include” tags and change the other one to say <include wildcard=”*”/>
  • Delete the “catalogref” tag at the very bottom

If you need help, the screenshot below shows what it should look like.

  1. Open the “threddsConfig.xml” file

    • Uncomment the CORS tag and enable it to “true”


Step 7: Set Up GeoServer

  1. Open GeoServer browser and log in (localhost:8081/geoserver)

Add a new workspace:

Go to “Workspaces” tab > “Add New Workspace” link. Name it “gwdm” (Namespace can be anything)

Add a new store:

Stores tab > “Add New Store” link > “Postgis” link. Select gwdm workspace from dropdown and set:


  • Name: postgis

  • Host:

  • Port: 5435

  • Database: gwdm_gwdb

  • Schema: public

  • User: postgres

  • Password: pass

  • Save it

>Publish the Layers

Go to “Layers” tab > “Add a new resource” link > “gwdm:postgis” from dropdown

  • Click “Publish” for the region layer

  • Under the “Bounding Boxes” section, click “Compute from data” and “Compute from native bounds”

  • Save it

  • Repeat the process for the aquifer and well layers


Now you can add data and begin using the app.